Asher, Marar and Sigrah Newest Members of 23rd Congress




PALIKIR, POHNPEI.  On the morning of April 02, 2024, the Congress swore into office Julio M. Marar; Johnson A. Asher; and Yoslyn G. Sigrah as members of the 23rd Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia.


Their Oath of Office finally filled the three vacant seats in the current Body:

1. Julio M. Marar was seated as the two-year Representative for Chuuk State’s Congressional Election District One – the Mortlocks region, the seat vacated by the passing of Florencio Singkoro Harper in January;

2. Johnson A. Asher was seated as the two-year Representative of Kosrae State’s Congressional Election District One which was vacated by the passing of Paliknoa K. Welly also in January 2024; and

3. Yoslyn G. Sigrah was seated as the At-large and four-year Representative of Kosrae  

State which was vacated during the election of Aren B. Palik the Vice Presidency in May 2023.  Following months of legal proceedings between Sigrah and the Congress and certain Members, Sigrah was finally seated in accordance with the FSM Supreme Court ruling.


The Second Special Session of the 23rd Congress was called pursuant to the President’s Emergency Declaration in response to ongoing severe drought conditions throughout the Nation.  In addition to reviewing the President’s Declaration, the Special Session afforded the ideal platform for the administration of Oath to fill in the vacant seats in the 23rd Congress.


Accordingly, the Second Special of the 23rd Congress is called for 10-days starting on April 02 through April 11, 2024 and is open to the interested general public.


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