Vice Chairman Wang Jiarui of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference visits Congress

PALIKIR, POHNPEI– September 1-2, 2017 marked a historic visit by H.E. Wang Jiarui, Vice Chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, and his delegation of 14 members. The CPPCC, better known in China as the PCC, is a political advisory body in the People’s Republic of China and holds much influence in China’s political decision-making process. The delegation’s visit to the FSM is significant, in part because it shows diplomatic reciprocity on the part of China, as this visit follows recent diplomatic visits to China by FSM dignitaries including H.E. Peter M. Christian, President of the FSM, and T.H. Wesley Simina, Speaker of the FSM Congress. Moreover, this visit is the highest-level visit to the FSM capital by a dignitary from China to date—a fact which, in and of itself, draws significant attention from the FSM Congress.

Vice Chairman Wang Jiarui and his delegation were greeted at the airport tarmac by T.H. Esmond B. Moses, Vice Speaker of the FSM Congress; H.E. Jie Li, Chinese Ambassador to the FSM; and Samson Pretrick, Deputy Secretary from the Department of Foreign Affairs. Shortly thereafter, the Vice Chairman and his delegation were welcomed to Congress at the capital by Speaker Simina, and the delegation was taken to the Congress Hearing Room, where bilateral discussions were to take place.

At the Congress Hearing Room, Speaker Simina continued with his welcoming remarks and thanked the Vice Chairman and his delegation for their visit, expressing his hope they would enjoy their short stay and his wish that future visits to the FSM might be longer, to allow the Vice Chairman the opportunity to visit the other states of Kosrae, Chuuk and Yap, and appreciate their respective cultures and traditions. Speaker Simina conveyed to Vice Chairman Wang Jiarui his desire to see China to continue actively work and engage with the FSM in order to further develop existing relations.

On behalf of the national government, Speaker Simina expressed his appreciation of China’s support and cooperation in our nation-building efforts through their provisions of grant aid assistance, scholarships, and technical assistance.  Speaker Simina stated that he looked forward to working closely with the Vice Chairman on areas of mutual interest, such as fisheries, transportation, climate change, agriculture, energy and tourism. Speaker Simina also discussed the national government’s creation of the FSM Trust Fund, and its need to secure sustainable income sources for the future, as well as noting the FSM’s concern regarding North Korea’s recent nuclear missile threats to the region.

The Chairman addressed the issues brought up by Speaker Simina and assured the Speaker of China’s continued full support of the FSM.  In response, Speaker reiterated FSM’s strong unequivocal support of and adherence to the “One China Policy,” a pillar of the diplomatic and bilateral relationship between the FSM and China.

The meeting between Congress and the Vice Chairman’s delegation concluded with the exchange of pleasantries and gifts followed by refreshments.

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