FSM Congress Calls for Parliamentary Leadership for Development in Age of Innovation and Technological Change

Geneva, Switzerland. On October 17, 2018, during the 139th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Geneva, Switzerland, FSM Senator Isaac V. Figir calls for international parliamentary leadership and cooperation to tackle worldwide problems, particularly the dangers of climate change, through science and technology. His address came during the assembly’s general debate revolving around the theme of “Parliamentary leadership in promoting peace and development in the age of innovation and technological change“.

In his address to the world’s parliamentarians, Senator Figir stresses, from the perspective of Micronesia as a small developing nation, the positive roles science and technology play in understanding and tackling the dangers of climate change.

He reminds the parliamentarians, “science is what tells us that without political action, the fate of the earth is doomed”.

The Senator is referencing the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C, for which the parliaments of Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) called on the 139th IPU Assembly to recognize and to take parliamentary leadership in addressing. This SIDS proposed emergency resolution, Climate Change – Let us not cross the linewas eventually adopted by the 139th IPU Assembly.

Senator Figir notes that even for a small developing country like Micronesia, its parliament, the FSM Congress, promotes development efforts in the age of innovation and technological change. These efforts include focusing financial resources toward renewable energy development in hopes of meeting the FSM’s commitments in the Paris Agreement early, as well as enacting legislation that ensures effective protection of the ocean and its resources.

The Senator also encourages the world parliamentarians to take leadership in promoting science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and access to information in this age of innovation and technological change. He highlighted the FSM’s efforts in passing complicated telecommunications legislation to enhance and regulate communications and information technology in the FSM. He also highlighted the recent accomplishments of the first high school robotics team in Micronesia in a US robotics competition, noting FSM Congress’ funding support for the team.

“All of the above require a different way of thinking and much help from friends and neighbors”, he says, furthering encouraging parliamentary friendship and cooperation to tackle worldwide problems.

The FSM Congress delegation to the 139th IPU Assembly, led by Speaker Wesley W. Simina, included Senator Isaac V. Figir, Legislative Counsel T. Lam Dang and Information Officer Andy Choor.

In addition to participating in the assembly meetings, the delegation also held bilateral meetings with other parliamentary delegations including China, India, Vietnam, Qatar, SIDS parliaments and other parliaments from Pacific Island Countries to promote parliamentary friendship and cooperation in addressing issues of common interests.

For more information on the FSM Congress’ participation in the 139th IPU Assembly, please visit www.cfsm.fm.

