Congress to Convene New 20th Body

PALIKIR, POHNPEI – May 10, 2017.  The Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia will convene tomorrow May 11, 2017, in Palikir to seat the recently elected two-year representatives of the states to the Nation’s twentieth congressional body.

The Congress is a unicameral Body comprised of fourteen members elected to represent the each of the four states. Four members are elected as at-large representatives of each state to serve a 4-yr term while the remaining ten (10) members are apportioned by state population and elected to serve a 2-yr term.

According to the recent elections in March 2017, the following elected two-year Senators will be seated to represent their states in the 20th Congress. Representing the municipalities and regions in the State of Chuuk are:

1.   Florencio Singkoro Harper, to represent Congressional Election District (ED)-One, comprised of the Mortlocks Islands;

2.     Victor Gouland, for Congressional ED-Two, comprised of Weno and Northern Namoneas;

3.     Derensio S. Konman, to represent Congressional ED-Three made up of the Tonoas, Uman, Fefan, Parem and Tsis of;

4.     Tiwiter Aritos, for Congressional ED-Four or also known as the Faichuuk Region; and

5.     Robson Romolow, as representative of Congressional ED-Five also known as the Halls and Western Islands, and Namonuito.

Two year representatives from the State of Pohnpei include:

1.     Ferny S. Perman, for Congressional ED-One comprised of Kolonia, Sokehs, Sapwuahfik, Nukuoro and Kapingamarangi;

2.     Dion G. Neth, for Congressional ED-Two made up of Madolenihmw and Kitti; and

3.     Esmond B. Moses, for Congressional ED-Three comprised of U, Nett, Mwoakilloa and Pingelap.Paliknoa K. Welly from the State of Kosrae and Isaac V. Figir of the State of Yap are the two-year representatives of their respective states to the new congressional body.

Also to be seated to the 20th Congress are the At-large or four-year representatives of the states and they include:

1.     Wesley W. Simina from the State of Chuuk;

2.     Alik L. Alik from the State of Kosrae;

3.     David W. Panuelo from the State of Pohnpei; and

4.     Joseph J. Urusemal from the State of Yap.

In addition to the seating of members, the opening day of the First Regular Session of the new Twentieth Congress will also select the presiding officers of the new bods – Speaker, Vice Speaker, Floor Leader and the Chairman and members of the seven congressional committees: 

   1. Committee on External Affairs;

2. Committee on Health;

3. Committee on Education and Social Affairs;

4. Committee on Judiciary and Governmental Operations;

5. Committee on Resources and Development;

6. Committee on Transportation and Communications; and

7. Committee on Ways and Means.

The general public is invited to witness the Opening Session of the new Twentieth Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia in Palikir at 10am on Thursday – May 11, 2017.  Through the services of the FSM Telecommunications Corporations and the assistances of the Pohnpei Public Broadcasting Corporation, the event will be streamed live from Palikir through the state radios.

As usual, the interested general public, especially FSM citizens, are invited to witness the proceedings of the Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia.  


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