Congress Confirm Nominations for Foreign Affairs, Finance, Resources and Development

PALIKIR, POHNPEI. September 19, 2023 – Today, the Twenty Second Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia confirmed the nominations of Lorin S. Robert, Rose Nakanaga and Elina Akinaga to head three Departments of the National Government.

Through Congressional Resolution (C.R.) No. 23-35, the Congress confirmed Lorin S. Robert to serve as the Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs. Robert previously served in the same capacity for many years and prior to that as Deputy Secretary to a diverse range of Administration.  With almost 40 years of service in the Department of Foreign Affairs, Robert’s brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience in the Nation’s foreign and domestic policies.

The Congress confirmed Rose N. Nakanaga (C.R. No. 23-52) to be the new Secretary of the Department of Finance and Administration. Nakanaga brings with her an array of practical experience and extensive knowledge the financial and accounting industry with over 30 years dedicated to the government sector in various roles and capacities from Assistant Secretary of Treasury and Finance to Assistant Secretary for the Division of Investment and International Finance to the Acting Secretary.  It was noted that Nakanaga is equipped with the necessary skills for the role given her extensive experience in public finance, accounting and the banking and financial industry.

Through (C.R. No. 23-39), the Congress confirmed Elina Paul Akinaga as the Secretary of the Department of Resources and Development for the Nation.  Akinaga has dedicated the past 14 years in service to the Nation at the national level with the last four-years serving the previous Administration as Secretary of the same Department.  She started with the National Public Auditor’s Office as one of its Senior Auditors and learned the detailed mechanisms in government operations and continued her service to the Nation as Assistant Secretary, first, for the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Emergency Management (DECCEM), then Assistant Secretary for the Department of Resources and Development (R&D).  During the last Administration she headed the Department of R&D as Secretary and was renominated by the new Administration and confirmed the Congress to maintain her role for the Nation.

More nominations are still on the Congress Calendar awaiting confirmation.


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