Congress Approves Grants for East Micronesia Cable Project

PALIKIR, Pohnpei. April 12, 2023 (CFSM-Pohnpei Delegation Office)– The Seventh Special Session of the Twenty Second Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia adopts 15 resolutions, among which, are grants to fund the East Micronesia Cable (EMC) System Project.

The EMC is a regional project to build a new submarine fiber optic cable system. An underwater cable system that will connect the state of Kosrae and the island nations of Kiribati and Nauru to the existing Hannon-Armstrong or HANTRU-1 cable that currently connects Pohnpei and Chuuk to Guam.

Congress adopted three Congressional Resolution (CR) for grants specific to the EMC project: 1. C.R. 22-216, for a $5,850,000 grant from the United States of America, Department of Interior;2. C.R. 22-215, for a grant of $14,285,714 from the U.S. Department of Treasury under the Coronavirus Capital Project Fund; and 3. C.R. 22-211, for a $10,084,604 grant from the Common Wealth of Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, through the Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific (AIFFP). The adopted grants are to fund and support the construction and implementation of activities relating to East Micronesia Cable System Project.

The Congress also adopted C.R. 22- 203, CD2, in honor of and respect to former Vice Speaker of the FSM Congress Fredrico O. Primo and to express its sincere condolences to the family of former Vice Speaker Primo.

The Congress also adoptedC.R. 22-214, the grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health, in the amount of $368,300 for the budget period April 01, 2022 to March 31, 2024 for Family Planning Services in the FSM for FY-24.

The Congress also adoptedC.R. 22-213, a grant for the Small Islands Food and Water Project (SIFWaP) from the International Fund for Agricultural Development in the amount of $1,785,000 to provide financial support to strengthen the improvement of sustainable and healthy food, water security and overall diet in the Federated States of Micronesia.

Through C.R 22-212, the Congress adopted a grant for the Clean Energy Project Readiness Facility (PRF) through the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for $5,000,000 to finance preparatory activities for prospective projects (PRF Activities) to support the improvement accessibility to clean energy and drinking water.

For nominations, the Congress adopted C.R. 22- 210, to confirm the nomination of Mr. Vincent Tafileluw to serve as a board member of the Federated States of Micronesia Social Security Board of Directors, representing Yap State; and C.R. 22-199approved Mrs. Suzanne Low Gallen, to represent the Pohnpei State on the Board of Regents of the College of Micronesia-FSM (COM-FSM).

Through the adoption of C.R. 22- 209, the Congress accepted a $184,362 grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration to support the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and Intervention Program for FY 2024.

C.R. 22- 208, approved a grant of $140,000 from the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) to fund and support the implementation of activities under the Federated States of Micronesia Sustainable Energy and Accompanying Measures (SEAM) Project.

C.R. 22- 207, approved a grant in the amount of $394,746 from the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to fund and support the FSM Department of Health and Social Affairs in its efforts relating to the prevention and control of chronic disease and associated risk factors for the budget period from March 29, 2023 to March 28, 2024.

A grant in the amount of $120,000 from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) was also adopted through C.R. 22- 202, CD1, to provide support for the FSM Implementation Plan for CY2023

The Congress adoptedC.R. 22- 195, CD1a grant in the amount of the $3,850,302 from the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to fund Component A – strengthening the public health infrastructure, workforce, and data systems in the FSM.

And finally, the Congress adopted CR 22-200, CD2, to reaffirm that the One China policy remains the official policy of the FSM and requested the President not to make any alterations to the diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China.

Unless a Special Session is called by the Speaker before the reorganization of the new Congress, this 7th Special Session wrapped up the sessions of the Twenty Second  Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia


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