A Christmas Message 2020

Christmas Message 2020

Wesley W. Simina
Speaker of the 21st Congress of the
Federated States of Micronesia

May the God of hope fill you with peace and joy
as you trust in him so that you may overflow with hope.
Romans 15:13

Vice Speaker Esmond B. Moses, Floor Leader Florencio “Singkoro” Harper, Members of the 21st Congress, along with our families and staff join me in extending our best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you, the people of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM).

2020 has truly been a trying year for the world as the COVID-19 pandemic encircled the globe within months of surfacing and wreaking havoc on what we hold dear: family, community, culture, economy and stable governments.

While the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted our shared fragility, it has also given the world a pause for self-reflection and reassessment of its priorities in the realization of how everything and everyone are truly connected in our common humanity.

The pandemic has reset our realities and ways of life forever.

It has also directly and indirectly impacted our lives, especially our citizens who live abroad. Yet those of us in the FSM have been spared much of the harsh realities of the COVID-19 world to date, and for this we shall always be grateful to our Lord.

So, as we gather across the Nation this Holiday Season with our families and friends in celebration of Christmas – that Holy Birth in Bethlehem long ago, let us also take time to take stock of and appreciate our blessings as individuals and as a Nation. As we celebrate Christmas this year, may we be reminded of its eternal message of love, compassion and hope. Let us also pray for the health and safety of our citizens abroad and our world at large.

In that spirit of love, compassion and hope we, Members of the 21st Congress along with our families and staff extend our best wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to the people of the FSM and all our friends who have also made FSM their home.

Again, may the God of hope fill you with peace and joy as you trust in him so that you may overflow with hope.


Be safe and have a Happy Holiday Season!