Speaker Simina sends greetings to the Knesset on the 70th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of Israel

April 19, 2018 marked the 70th anniversary of the State of Israel’s Declaration of Independence in 1948. Speaker Simina through a letter to the Speaker of the Knesset of the State of Israel, the Honorable Yuri Edelstein, cited, “Seventy is a very meaningful number. It is said that in the Jewish tradition God has seventy names, just as the city of Jerusalem also has seventy names. Certain cultures hold that a normal human lifespan is seventy years long. A seventieth anniversary is therefore very meaningful.”

Speaker Simina also alluded to the special relationship which the FSM holds with Israel and reflected on the very year of FSM’s independence that there shortly the State of Israel recognized its sovereignty.

Furthermore in closing sentiments in his letter to the Speaker of the Knesset- the national legislative body of Israel, Speaker Wesely W. Simina offered his best wishes stating, “May I, on behalf of the 20th Congress and the people of the Federated States of Micronesia, offer my best wishes for a happy anniversary – along with our hope for prosperity, security, and most preciously Shalom, Peace- to the Knesset and the people of Israel. May our friendship last many times seventy years.”