Outcomes of the 1st Regular Session of the 22nd Congress

PALIKIR, POHNPEI. June 9, 2021– The 22nd Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia adjourned its 1st Regular Session on June 04, 2021, with congressional measures that ranged from nominations to grants to public projects and social programs.

Beginning with Congressional Resolutions (CR), we have several approved nominations by the Congress that included: CR 21-01, to confirm and appoint Ms. Jessicalynn Reyes as Chief Clerk of the 22nd FSM Congress. Similarly, CR 22-03, confirmed Mr. T. Lam Dang as the Legislative Counsel for the Congress.

For the nominees submitted by the Executive Branch, the Congress adopted CR 22-07 to approve Mr. Ausen T. Lambert for the position of National Election Director of the FSM; CR 22-15, appointed Mathew Chigiyal to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the FSM Telecommunications Corporation, representing the National Government; and finally, with CR 22-16, the Congress confirmed Mrs. Gardenia Aisek as the new Secretary of the FSM Department of Education.

On a solemn and sad note, the Congress adopted CR 22-21, to convey its sincere condolence and sadness of the 22nd FSM Congress to the family of the late Roosevelt D. Kansou at his passing. The late Kansou was a public servant for both the state and the FSM National Government since 1975.  Kansou was elected to the Eighth FSM Congress and remained a Member of the Congress through to the 15th CFSM in 2009.

A Special Committee on Climate Change and Environmental Issues was established during the 19th, 20th and 21st Congress in recognition of the importance and urgency of rising environmental issues around the pacific region, especially in the Nation. The Congress adopted CR 22-02, and established a Special Committee on Climate Change and Environmental Issues.

Through the adoption of CR 22-04, the Congress set the ceiling of $105,979, 916 as the estimated funds available for appropriation from the Nation’s General Fund for the fiscal year ending September, inclusive of the Supplemental Educational grant and Compact Sector grants.

The Congress approved two resolutions pertaining to the International Atomic Energy Agency: CR 22-09, ratified the Small Quantities Protocol as a treaty between the International Atomic Energy Agency in connection with the implementation and reporting requirements under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons; and CR 22-10, ratified the agreement between the Federated States of Micronesia and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of the Safeguards in Connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

The adoption of CR 22-19, authorized the President to submit the Recommended National Government Compact Budget Request, as revised pursuant to Congress’s recommendations, to the United States of America under article V of the Fiscal Procedures Agreement.

Congressional resolution CR 22-06, extended the President’s Public Health Declaration to September 30, 2021, with no other amendments.

And finally, with CR 22-11, the Congress approved a grant of $130,000 from the United States Department of Health and Human Services to fund the Emergency Medical Services for Children Program.

Along with the Congressional Resolutions, the other measures passed during the First Regular Session of the 22nd Congress are the following Congressional Acts (CA).

Beginning with CA 22-03 is an Act to correct a technical error in the numbering of the new section on Procurement of Computer Equipment as created by Public Law No. 21-170 and to clarify certain provisions.

Another Act for technical amendment was CA 22-04 to correct a technical error in the numbering of the new section created by Public Law No. 21-199. The law to allow licensed captive insurance companies to become dormant, and for other purposes.

CA 22-06is an act to amend sections 1202, 1204 & 1216 under title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia to clarify definitions, purpose and restrictions of the FSM Trust Fund.

CA 22-17is a congressional act to amend section 106 under title 2 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia to clarify the procedures for succession in the event that the Vice President is unable to discharge the duties of the office, and for other purposes.

The following Congressional Acts are amendments to change the use or allottee of certain funds previously appropriated to fund public projects and social programs beginning with the State of Pohnpei with seven acts, CA 22-07CA 22-08CA 22-09CA 22-12CA 22-14CA 22-15CA 22-16, and CA 22-22.

In the same manner and in respect to the State of Chuuk, we have congressional act CA 22-11; and for the state of Yap we have CA 22-10.

Congressional Act 22-13, is for public projects and social programs for the states of Pohnpei and Chuuk.

The 1st Regular Session of the 22nd Congress was scheduled to adjourn sessions on May 29, 2021, but due to pressing matters of importance to the nation, the First Regular Session was extended through congressional resolution CR 22-18. The 1st Regular Session of the 22nd Congress adjourned sine-die on June 4, 2021. Unless a special session is directed by Speaker, the next regular session of the 22nd Congress by law is set for September 12, 2021.