3rd Special Sesson to convene this December

WENO, CHUUK. December 6, 2021– Speaker Wesley W. Simina has called for the Third Special Session of the 22nd Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia to convene on December 13, 2021 for a total of five (5) days.

According to the Speaker’s call, the purpose of the special session is for Senator-elect Perpetua S. Konman to take the oath of office upon the adoption of the credentials report, along with pending nominations, unfinished businesses before the Congress Committees, and other matters pending before the Congress. The call by Speaker Simina further encourages cooperation from all departments and relevant personnel of the National Government during its public hearings.

Session times will follow the timeline established for the remote sessions of the Congress: 10:00am in Chuuk and Yap, and 11:00am in Kosrae and Pohnpei.

In line with current session practices in place during the COVID-19 pandemic, while the Third Special Session will not be opened to the general public, it will however be broadcasted live thru the Congress website: www.cfsm.gov.fm The interested public is encourage to follow the session proceedings online.


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