Session tackles Nominations, Grants and Amendment to the Emergency Declaration

PALIKIR, POHNPEI. July 24, 2020 – With 3 nominations approved during this 6th Special Session, Congress congratulates all 3 approved nominees beginning with Dennis L. Belcourt to serve as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Federated States of Micronesia approved under Congressional Resolution (CR) 21-150; along with CR 21-153, approving Trevayne Esiel’s nomination to serve as

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Measures of the Sixth Special Session for the 21st Congress

PALIKIR, POHNPEI. July 24, 2020– The Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia adjourned sine-die its Sixth Special Session of the 21st on July 10, 2020, with two overrides and passage of measures to address the coronavirus among others. For the overrides, the Congress re-passed the President’s veto of Congressional Act (CA) 21-120, to allow taxation of

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Congress Adjourns Online Budget Session

PALIKIR, POHNPEI. June 10, 2020 – After twice extending the Fourth Regular Session of the 21st Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia, the online budget session finally adjourned sine-die on Saturday June 6, 2020.  While regular sessions of Congress are 20 days by statute, they can be extended or shortened through resolution. So, through Congressional Resolution (CR)

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Coronavirus Top Session Issues of Week Three

PALIKIR, POHNPEI. June 03, 2020 – Issues surrounding coronavirus tops matters addressed during Week Three of the Fourth Regular Session, starting with amendments to the Public Health Emergency Declaration on COVID-19.  Through Congressional Resolution 21-149, the Congress foremost extended the Declaration to July 31, 2020. While the primary intent of the Declaration remains intact, several sections and

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Congress Adjourns the 10-day Historic Online Session

PALIKIR, POHNPEI. April 24, 2020 – The historic online Fifth Special Session of the 21st Congress adjourned sine on April 22, 2020 with the amended Declaration addressed, mitigation funding secured and the passage of the following measures Congressional Acts and Congressional Resolutions.  Congressional Act (CA) 21-116, allotted $670,000 to supplement the FY 2020 national budget for operations of

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Congress secures Mitigation Funds and amends Declaration

PALIKIR, POHNPEI. April 20, 2020– The historic online Fifth Special Session of the 21st Congress was called for 5-days to respond to the amended COVID-19 Declaration and at the end of Day 5, the Congress enacted measures to address certain aspects of the Declaration, among others. The first Act of the historic online session isCongressional Acts

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