20 Resolutions Passed including Nominations to the FSM Board of Trustees-FSM Trust Fund

PALIKIR, POHNPEI. February 1, 2019. The 6th Regular Session adjourned Sine Die on January 24, 2019. During the course of the sessions, a substantial number of resolutions were adopted relating to issues pending the nation on matters of importance among others; setting the ceiling for the nation’s general fund, nominations, resolutions of recognition and appreciation, and congratulatory and condolence resolutions among others.

In one of the most significant functions of the body of Congress is setting the budget ceiling for the nation’s fiscal year as underlined by law, Section 104 Title 55 of the code of the Federated States of Micronesia; thereby adopting CR 20-163, Congress sets forth the amount to be estimated for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2019 at $84,271,878, inclusive of domestic revenues and compact sector grants.

CR 20-174 is a resolution Urging and authorizing the President to seek on behalf of the Federated States of Micronesia membership in the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). UNIDO is a specialized agency for the United Nations whose primary objective is to promote and accelerate the industrial development in the developed countries in addition to promoting industrial development and cooperation on global, regional and national, as well as the sectoral levels.

In appreciation for her many years of support to the Federated States of Micronesia while serving as the Delegate to the U.S. House of representatives from the Guam At Large District, the 20th Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia expresses its appreciation through CR 20-165 to the Honorable Madeleine Bordallo.

On recent nominations of this 6th Regular Session of the 20th Congress, CR 20-170 through CR 20-173 are resolutions on the approved nominations for MR. Kemsky A. Sigrah, Mr. Ihlen Joseph, Mr. Florian J. Yatilman & Mr. Fabian Nimea all to serve as members of the Board of Trustees of the FSM Trust Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia.

In relaying their congratulatory remarks to newly elected members on both domestic and regional elections, the Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia have extended its congratulations through resolutions CR 20-166 to the newly elected Governor of the Territory of Guam, Lourdes Aflque Leon Gurrero; newly elected Lt. Governor, Joshua Tenorio; and to the Senators of the Guam Legislature on their newly elected positions. Along the same line, resolution CR 20-167 is congratulating the newly elected Governor of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Ralph Torres; newly elected Lt. Governor, Arnold Palacios; and the Senators and Representatives of the Northern Marianas Commonwealth Legislature on their recent newly elected positions.

Closer to the home front on recent state elections, Congress extends its congratulations through CR 20-168 to the newly elected Governor of Yap state, Henry S. Falan; newly elected Lt. Governor, Jesse J Salalu; and the Senators of the Yap Legislature on their recent elections. Last but not least on the congratulatory list extended by the body of Congress, resolution CR 20-169 congratulates the newly elected Governor of the state of Kosrae, Carson Sigrah; newly elected Lt. Governor, Arthy Nena; and the Senators of the Kosrae Legislature on their recent newly elected positions.

On a less positive and sadder occasion, the FSM Congress extends their sincerest condolences and sadness through resolution CR 20-164 to the Family of Honorable Dr. Jiko Luveni, Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Fiji, and to the government and its citizens of the Republic of Fiji at her passing on December 22, 2018.

The remainder of the resolutions approved various grant assistances to the Nation through either the amended Compact of Free Association with the United States of America or through its bilateral and/or international relationships, and they include the following:

Under the Compact of Free Association with the U.S. Government, FSM states are eligible to receive federal funding in the form of grants for social and economic assistance. The first grant of $2,963,151 from the U.S. Department of Education under CR 20-155, initially introuduced in the last session of the 6th Special Session and subsequently approved and accepted this 6th Regular Session, provides for the Federal Fiscal Year 2019 fund Part B of the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA); moreover on compact assistance is CR 20-160 in the amount of $821,849 from the United States through the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who issued the Award of financial assistance with all terms and conditions included.

Another duo of grants approved and accepted by the 20th Congress from the Government of the People’s Republic of China earmarked to aid Pohnpei state’s infrastructure are CR 20-175 in the amount of RMB 92,229,500 to fund the China-Aided Secondary Road Project in the state of Pohnpei; whereas CR 20-176 in the amount of RMB 21,201,800 is to fund the China-Aided Reconstruction Project of the Kahmar Bridge also within the state of Pohnpei, including all terms and conditions of the assistance.

Section 210(2) of title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia provides for foreign financial assistance to be valid it must be approved by Congress by resolution; hence, CR 20-158 is accepting a grant in the amount of $200,000 from the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), acting on behalf of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), extended to the Federated States of Microneisa for the purpose of funding the Review and Update of National Implementation of funding for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPS) in the Federated States of Micronesia.

Specific to the State of Yap in terms of grants from foreign aid, CR 20-157 is approving and accepting a grant from the Government of Italy in the amount of $948,750 to support the project entitled, ‘Enhancing Water Security and Climate Resilient Food for Displaced Atoll Communities in Yap, including all the terms and conditions of the assistance.

The penultimate resolution, CR 20-161 is approving and accepting a grant in the amount of $125,000 from The Nature Conservancy (TNC) for the purpose of funding the project of the Federated States of Micronesia entitled, ‘Technology of Tuna Transparency (T-3) challenge’, including all terms and conditions of the assistance.

And finally with CR 20-162, a testament to Congress’ ongoing efforts to address Climate Change and the ever growing reliance on petroleum based fuels, Congress approves and accepts CR 20-162, a grant in the amount for SDR 21,600,000 from the World Bank for the purpose of funding projects in the Federated States of Micronesia to improve reliability of electricity supply, expand access to electricity, and to scale up on renewable energy generation, including all the terms and conditions of assistance.

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